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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

Dawn Chandler

celebration & honoring

This past weekend marked some significant events in my life: June 19 = the 61st anniversary of my dear late parents’ wedding (1954) June 21 = the 83rd anniversary of my sainted mother’s birth (1932) = the first day of summer (always a glorious day) = Father’s Day (yet...

to journal or not to journal, part 1

Always I carry with me a blank book; a journal. It's my Everything Book. Part diary, part sketchbook, part notebook, my journal is my brain center. It's where I jot down things I want to remember--quotes, addresses, book titles, appointments, songs, directions. It's...

lovers leap: why i paint new mexico

  New Mexico. Colfax County. If you've been following my art for even a short amount of time, you know that the beauty of the land is my greatest inspiration. Look a little harder, and you realize that the land of New Mexico, in particular, resonates for me. Go...

enough already. time for taos.

ACK!! U N C L E! Enough with the computer already! A month of being glued to my keyboard — new website, new newsletter, dozens of paintings added to my online store, slew of emails vying for my attention — and I haven't painted since October! OCTOBER! So this morning...

home, for me….

With so much to be thankful for, it can be overwhelming when called upon to innumerate all that's deserving of mention. My heart and eyes swell as I think of my family and friends and pets past and present; of the roofs that have sheltered me, the clothes that have...