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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .

Dawn Chandler

which would you choose?

There's something you need to see — it has your name all over it." — so My Good Man informed me when I arrived at his house late afternoon of the solstice. Whatever it was, he'd discovered it on his trail run that morning over on The East Side — the wooded slopes of...

what bloomed for me in the shadow of sadness

The lilac are blooming. And they're taking me back again to a May morning some thirteen years ago when a light went out in my life and the long shadow of sorrow moved in. It was the Thursday before Mother’s Day, 2007. As the first of the sun's rays broke over the...

the importance of a daily creative practice

A few weeks ago, before most of us were aware that our world was going to shift on its axis, I began a new occasional series of "warm up" paintings. I intended these paintings for my eyes only, with no plan of sharing them. In the past few days I've changed my mind...

one tiny enormous comment

From the Goya Foods, Inc. Collection National Museum of American History, Archives Center I just returned from the grocery store, to buy a jar of tomato sauce and some rice. The grocery store was out of rice. And toilet paper. And countless other items. I've never...