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musings from the studio and beyond ~

dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .


celebration! announcing my new website & blog . . . . . + a little personal history thrown in

I am overjoyed to announce the release of my new website and blog: Home Page for Dawn Chandler's new website And —okay — I admit it: I’m feeling kinda smug about it. After months and months of work on this thing, the relief at finally being able to cross it off my “To Do List” is pretty darn tremendous! Of course, if you’re reading this, you’ve already found my new blog presence and website. Thank you! I’d be grateful for you to take a look around the site and let me know what you think. And please, especially, let me know if you find any bugs or glitches. Anyho…. As I sit here savoring my new WorldWideWeb presence, I can’t help but reflect on past iterations of my website and the evil-ution of my relationship with the web. And so… For my amusement and likely no one else’s, here are some questionable highlights of my relationship with the WWW: c.1993 — Grad school graduation is imminent and I realize computers are starting to be important. Hmm…maybe I’d better learn how to use one. Sign up for “Computers for Beginners” on a PC and learn some basics like where to find the “On” switch and where to slide in a floppy disk. — Decide I need a computer. Friends in the desk-top publishing world advise me to get a Mac. “The Mac is by far the best MacIIcichoice for an artist or anyone who’s into design or visuals.” — I become the proud owner of a Mac IIci; have been a Mac junkie ever since. c. 1994 — After four years in Philadelphia, I move to Taos, New Mexico. c 1995 —Working as a waitress and bartender at Eske’s Brewpub in Taos, I meet their computer dude and “Mac” guy Howie Roemer [HFR] of who becomes—and remains for going on 20-years now—my irreplaceable Computer Guru. — I learn about something called “E-mail.” HFR sets me up with an account. c.1997 —  Retire from Eske’s (though have been known to quaff a few there since) to become the director of the Philmont Staff Association [PSA]. c. 1998 — Decide I need a website for my art. HFR helps me set one up. Black background, rainbow color fonts. Dawn Chandler's OLD website, circa 1997 c.2000 – 2007 — A series of computer upgrades from desktop -> laptop. I become a sucker of gadget obsolescence and the perceived need to Early Mac Powerbook Laptopacquire the latest-greatest-fastest-newest-wiz-bang computer. [Have since been attempting to ween myself off the concept.] c.2003+ — Frustrated that my art is being neglected. I resign from the PSA, taking the fearful leap of focusing on my art full-time. Parents surely now suffering from countless sleepless nights. — Lacking confidence in my ability to support myself through art sales alone, I contemplate becoming a web designer. HFR and Oban Lambie [CEO of Brownrice Internet [BRI], the host of my website] encourage me. — Read Web Pages That Suck: Learn Good Web Design by Looking at Bad Web Design. Still takes me a few years to decide to change the background color of my website from black. — During various trips to visit family in Denver, I spend a series of weekends studying web design courses at the Colorado Free University in Denver: HTML for Beginners; Dreamweaver, I,; Dreamweaver, II. — Start building my own website with Dreamweaver, with frequent cries for help to HFR. c.2005± — Several friends and acquaintances generously and graciously hire me to build their websites. I do an okay job, but soon realize that the technology is expanding far beyond my ability to and interest in keeping up. Eventually (after a few years) I abandon the idea of being a web designer, but continue to slog through maintaining my own. c.2006 — Philmont acquaintance Douglas Fasching [DFF] bullies — err — gently prods — me to start blogging. “You owe it to your art fans.” I set EarlyTaosDawnBlogup an account with Blogger. c.2007 – 2009 —Work part-time at BRI as a “Mac Tester.” c.2008 — Childhood friend Heather bullies — err, gently prods — me into opening a FaceBook account. c.2009 — DFF bullies — err — gently prods — me to start tweeting. I set up an account with Twitter. — After 16 years living in Taos, move to Santa Fe. c.2010 — DFF suggests I create a “placeholder” on another blogging platform called “WordPress,” which will link to my Blogger blog. c.2011 — Frustrated with FB and the narcissism it incites, I close my account; art sales decrease substantially. —10 months later fully embrace narcissism and open a new FB account; art sales increase substantially. c.2012+ — My website is becoming colossal and archaic; updating it is an epic undertaking, so I rarely update it thoroughly. I’m envying websites like my friend Joan’s that has cool and easy navigation (not to mention great art!) c. 2013 — Frustrated with Blogger. Thinking about moving my blog to WordPress. DFF is supportive, but also advises “you’ve already got a a website, so it’s (sorta) crazy you don’t host WordPress at already. Lots of benefits of doing this….I might even insist.” —”Huh?” — “WordPress dot COM is a web service like Blogger. WordPress dot ORG is an application you install on your own site so that you could run a blog from your site with your branding….More freedom. Not hard.” — Overwhelmed. Not enough braincells to even begin to think about creating a whole new website and blog. But realize, too, that it’s inevitable. Decide to shelf it “till next year.” 2014Divi_Page — Hooray! Will start on new website this spring! Line-up HFR to help. Early November deadline for going live. — HFR’s directive: Start researching “WordPress Elegant Themes,” for appropriate templates for your website.” I find “Divi” and it’s the ONLY one I want. — Whoops — Offered art exhibition opportunity in Taos for August; postpone website/blog overhaul til mid-August. — September: C R A N K I N G on website; 80% done by 9/30. — October: Offline, painting in WY. — November. First two weeks glued to computer wrapping up new site. Jazzed. Proud. Bragging rights. Send link to DFF for approval. — Ready for live WWW. New newsletter composed ready to send announcing new site……when H A L T E D in the 11th hour as DFF comes back with 40-gazillion bugs/tweaks/edits. UGH. Postpone.. — Make 95% of DFF’s edits. — 18 November 2014: It’s Showtime, Folks!

— 20 November 2014: Can I please now unpack from my October Residency and get back to painting? MessyStudio    

my october: a mink, two moose and a baldy eagle

a pair of wyoming moose on the brush creek, photo by dawn chandler

a pair of wyoming moose on the brush creek, photo by dawn chandler


A mink, two moose and a baldy eagle.

That’s who I spent my October with.

They, and seven of the best creative minds  I could ever hope to meet.

We were living at the mouth of a small valley, where the open range-land ripples as it abuts the nearby mountains, and the valley narrows to a short rocky neck, before opening again to vast hidden fields. A large, wide and mellow trout stream courses along the base of pinon-studded hills, filling our days and nights with river-song, its water seeping into willow marshes, nurturing colonies of cottonwoods and drifts of aspen. Each day for twenty-four days, I meditated along this water, sketched under these golden canopies, explored up these arid draws, and stood in awe of these eery outcrops of rocks.

They climbed through the stony landscape, limestone beds eroded by wind into fantastic furniture, stale gnawed bread crusts, tumbled bones, stacks of dirty folded blankets, bleached crab claws and dog teeth
— Annie Proulx, The Half-Skinned Steer

If quiet and still, I might catch a glimmer — and be blessed by — a rare animal spirit. Mink. Moose. Eagle. Hawk.
Other times, I might ramble, or sit and share with new friends; their laughter and tales humoring and inspiring me.

Mostly though, I painted.
And painted.
And painted.

For I was an artist in residence at the Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts.
Located on the west side of the Medicine Bow mountain range fifty-some miles west of Laramie and sixteen miles southeast of Saratoga, Brush Creek Ranch and the Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts sprawls across 30,000 of prime Wyoming range-land and hill country. A working cattle ranch as well as a luxury resort, Brush Creek Ranch established its artist residency program in 2007.

Home to four beautiful fine art studios, two writers studios, and two music studios — plus comfortable accommodations — “Artist Camp” is its own little ranch resort of creativity, with meals, lodging, and studios provided free of charge for its artist residents. Invited to stay for 2-, 4-, or 6-week sessions, we are each encouraged to live and breathe Wyoming; to hike and explore, read, dream and imagine, make new friends, and let our creativity soar.
With a network of trails coursing the ranch, we were welcome to explore by foot or bike. Most times when I did this — which was daily — I saw no one; not a soul. But for the trails and fences, I came to feel as though this place were mine:
My river.
My path.
My cottonwoods.

the mellow brush creek. photo by dawn chandler

the mellow brush creek, flowing through the brush creek ranch of wyoming

How to capture it? I spent 24 days trying to do just that, with some 2000 photos, 20 sketches and 30 paintings to show for it. Still, I’m perplexed and moved and haunted by this land of Wyoming. I’ll be sharing much of this in the coming days, but for now, here’s a little slideshow I’ve put together to try to convey a sense of  the Wyoming landscape I all too briefly got to call home.

THE cottonwood tree at the Brush Creek Ranch, Wyoming, photo by artist Dawn Chandler

a wyoming october — four weeks at the brush creek foundation for the arts

Heartfelt thanks to the staff and founders of Brush Creek Foundation for the Arts, who provides all of this for free to select artists.
And special thanks too, to my fellow residents:
Writers Helen Hooper and Ira Sukrungruang
Musicians/Composers Jonathan Kolm and David Dominique
Fine Artists Maren Jensen, Karrie Hovey and Susan Grinels

It’s been — truly — a pleasure.

mirrorless paintings of leaves and glass ~ my last post… for a while.


photograph by dawn chandler of dale chihuly glass sculpture at the denver botanic gardens, october 2014.

“Ohhhhhhh…. That hurts. That’s so sad,” the man at the table next to me said when my camera hit the cement floor of the Santa Fe Baking Company last Sunday.

“It’s okay; it’s durable,” I said, noting that the camera appeared to be totally intact.

But later that afternoon when I went to take another picture, it very definitely wasn’t okay: my 7-year old Cannon Powershot was busted.

And, wouldn’t you know it, in just few days I was to embark on a journey that, for an artist, is unimaginable without a camera: One month of painting, hiking and — I’d hoped — photography in the heart of a western mountain range. [Details about THAT in a future post!].

I needed a replacement camera N O W.

I started looking up cameras online, and was utterly and completely overwhelmed. Yeah I had this sweet little Cannon, But really? I had grasped little about photography and cameras since my Photography-101 with a Pentax K 1000 continuing education class in Berkeley c.1989 back in my deli-girl days between college and grad school. And I sure as heck didn’t have time to start educating myself now about cameras.

I closed my eyes and slowly started to rub my temples, in an attempt to stave off the headache that was about to descend.

And then it occurred to me: Ask my FaceBook Photography peeps for advice. For lucky for me, I’m connected to quite a few gifted photographers.

Jump seven days and I find myself the owner of a Fujifilm X-M1, a whiz-bang of a “mirrorless” digital camera that’s — OH. MY. GOSH. — such an upgrade from my little pocket camera.


W O W.

And what better place to give it a real test run than the Dale Chihuly glass sculpture installation at the Denver Botanic Gardens? I can think of none.

And so…. I part from you for some weeks with this cheerful slide show I’ve created of a glittering autumn morning. Enjoy!

p.s.: I’ll be back in touch in early November with tons of new paintings, photographs, insights, and a whole new website and blog base. See you then!

four autumn mornings

I can’t resist. I’ve got to be up there among them. To lose myself among the gold coins of leaves — a world’s ransom of gold leaf.

My new home in town gives me a fine vantage point from which to observe the mountains and their mood. And so it was one day early last week when I looked up there and saw the first hint of yellow. 

The aspens were turning.

With a stress-inducing “To Do List” on my mind it was all I could do: Just look up there.

..One day.

..Two days.

..Three days.

And then I couldn’t take it anymore; I had to get up there.

That night I laid out our gear, my pup’s and mine. 
And at sunrise we were making the climb up toward the gold….

One day…

Two days…

Three days….

Four in a row….

santa fe aspens, i ~ by dawn chandler ~ oil on panel (en plein air) ~ 5″ x 7″ ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014
santa fe aspens, ii ~ by dawn chandler ~ oil on panel (en plein air) ~ 5″ x 7″ ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014
santa fe aspens, iii ~ by dawn chandler ~ oil on panel (en plein air) ~ 5″ x 7″ ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014
santa fe aspens, iv ~ by dawn chandler ~ oil on panel (en plein air) ~ 5″ x 7″ ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014

giving away free art again!



adjective: loco
  1. crazy.
late 19th century: from Spanish, ‘insane.’

Evidently I’m loco, for I’m giving away free art again. Congratulations to Mr. CW Webb of Texas who read my summer edition of my online newsletter “Studio Notes,” found and played along with my wee little contest, and — lucky guy! — had his name drawn out of The Venerated Pith Helmet! Bravo, Sir!

Want to play along? Go to my website at , scroll to the bottom of any page to where it says subscribe to dawn chandler’s studio notes newsletter, enter your name in the field and hit “subscribe.” Then, next time my newsletter comes out (early November) you should receive it. Read it — carefully — and see if you can sleuth the contest details. Then, play along. Kinda fun and — dare I say? — well worth your time. At least I’d like to think so. But just ask Mr. Webb who did all that and won this cool little original painting:

april morning above the arroyo, frenchy’s park, santa fe ~ by dawn chandler ~ oil on panel (en plein air) ~ 5″ x 7″ ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014

Special thanks to all of my current Studio Notes Subscribers. It’s always such a bonus to me when I send out a newsletter, and hear back from so many of you. Thanks for keeping me motivated to keep on writing and keep on painting.
And extra special thanks to those of you who not only read my newsletter but sleuth out my contest and play along.
Remember that every time you enter one of my wee little contests, your name gets added to the end-of-year Ultimate Venerated Pith Helmet Drawing for an 8″ x 10″ original painting.

Okay, back to painting. Cheers and may you enjoy these last few days of summer.