and find what i need ~ by dawn chandler ~ mixed media ~ 10" x 20" ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014The most recent paintings in The Outback Series are among my most favorite, for they were created in a perfect storm of intense, passionate and focused creativity. Over the...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
Oregon Outback
going BIG ~ large scale and intention with the outback series
i realize now the rewards ~ by dawn chandler ~ mixed media on canvas ~ 48" x 48" inches ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014 Without a doubt, the most exciting paintings for me to produce in this series are the large works — a diptych (two panels) measuring 48" x 48" and...
8.2.14 ~ from the outback series: expanding horizons
And now to go bigger.The horizontally configured rectangle was working for me. Despite some very abstract elements, the horizontal format helps to suggest landscape, if even only sub/consciously.I was digging these paintings, and was itching to go larger;...
8.1.14 ~ from the outback series: beyond the square
The square proved limiting. Compositionally the square is hard to work with. I knew that. Which is partly why I was thinking I'd work with it — I'm kind of drawn to those kinds of challenges. But the truth is — though I made some neat images — the square wasn't...
7.30.14 ~ from the outback series: interpretting my world in 64 square inches
outback meditationsPlaying. That's how this all began. First I painted the land literally. Every day. Each painting was a pair of two pieces of paper — a diptych — each measuring 4" x 8" and paired to make a 4" x 16" image. Why that size? Because that's all...
7.24.14 ~ the outback series: mixed media paintings inspired by the western landscape by dawn chandler ~ opening august 2, 2014
always be my home ~ by dawn chandler ~ mixed media ~ 24" x 48" ~ copyright dawn chandler 2014The Outback Series: Mixed Media Paintings Inspired by the Western Landscape by Dawn ChandlerThese paintings are the direct result of my desire to merge my two distinct...
04.28.14 ~ the devil’s in the details…of a day’s unfolding
The sunrise frosted boardwalk the crosses the north end of the pond at Playa. Our film-maker resided in the cabin in the upper right corner.The Playa lodge.A friend commented recently that my posts about my experience at Playa have been "tantalizingly short on...
1.14.14 ~ burning paintings & the journey, iv ~ playa slideshow
A fireplace in the studio brings out the latent pyromaniac in many a de-cluttering artist....Two weeks into the New Year and a huge chunk of me has lain dormant in the memory of my art residency at Playa. I've been distracted since returning home, hardly able to...
12.30.13 ~ the journey, iii: the gift of time ~ playa
The creative community of Playa sits at the base of Winter Ridge and the edge of Summer Lake in Lake County, Oregon.Where I was headed was Playa, a residency program for creative individuals.And what is a residency program?A residency program is the priceless gift of...

12.16.2013 ~ the journey, ii: of high deserts and alkali lakes
Walking the dry, alkali mudflats of Summer Lake in Lake County, OregonPassing through eastern Utah.I cut the same path across the Rand McNally Atlas that My Man and I had done in June when we road-tripped to the Pacific Northwest: Route 160 skirting southwest...