Summer has been protracted this year.
~ sigh ~
I’m ready for the days to cool and the colors to heat up into hues of fire.
Maybe sharing this painting of an earlier Santa Fe September view will entice Mother Nature to pull out her autumn colors…. (Please?)
I began this painting two years ago and worked on it off and on….

It sat 98% finished for months. In fact at that point most people would have looked at it and deemed it 100% finished.

But my Muse and I just sensed that it was asking for something more… we just weren’t sure what.
And then I decided what it wanted. . . .

See that jolt of deep blue among the adobe buildings?

That’s what the painting was wanting. The overall landscape is an actual scene from a photograph I took in my neighborhood, but that patch of dark blue is a pure jolt of color from my imagination.

Think of is as a tool shed.
Better yet, think of it as a blue treasure chest — a big box of blue sky filled with dreams of New Mexico among golden cottonwoods. . . .
Autumn! I can hardly wait for you to get here!
Santa Fe September
by Dawn Chandler
oil on canvas ~ 36″ x 24″
private collection

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~ Dawn Chandler
Santa Fe , New Mexico