I've always loved the turn of the new year. I know some who people eye it with dread or sadness with the reminder of the passage of time. Their sad focus is on aging, and regrets. But for me the turn of the new year is a time of excitement and cheerful anticipation....
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
art studio
where art lives . . . .
What art offers is space — a certain breathing room for the spirit. ~ John Updike Who doesn’t love venturing into an artist’s studio? Even I — myself an artist — love visiting other creative’s studios. I delight in seeing the...
to journal or not to journal, part 2: transforming pain
Looking back through all of my journals, I'm particularly taken by the long and slender volume of 2006. That year was a tough one for me. Some intense relationship challenges and persistent and unhelpful compulsive mind-speak churned extreme feelings of self doubt. In...
to journal or not to journal, part 1
Always I carry with me a blank book; a journal. It's my Everything Book. Part diary, part sketchbook, part notebook, my journal is my brain center. It's where I jot down things I want to remember--quotes, addresses, book titles, appointments, songs, directions. It's...
celebration! announcing my new website & blog . . . . . + a little personal history thrown in
I am overjoyed to announce the release of my new website and blog: www.taosdawn.com And —okay — I admit it: I'm feeling kinda smug about it. After months and months of work on this thing, the relief at finally being able to cross it off my "To Do List" is pretty darn...