[This the second of a two-part series. Read the moreno valley & me, part one here.] When my friend Carol asked me to paint their view of Baldy from the Moreno Valley, it was not the seemingly obvious view from the meadow near the main cabin that I and others had...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
new mexico oil painting
the unusual transformation of a landscape
It's a few hours away from the first day of winter and I suppose I should be writing something solstice-y or festive-y or fa-la-la-la-la-lish But as much as I love this time of year, with the relentless sunshine we've been having this month where the skies look more...
the colors of my world….
These were the colors of my world today at 4:30a.m.... and these these were the colors of my world today at 8:30a.m.... And somewhere in between the two, the colors of my world were these.... { ~~ blissful sigh ~~ } OHhhhhhhh, BLESSED DAY!! For...
a surefire way to humble yourself as an artist….
Yesterday was Vincent Van Gogh's birthday (March 30, 1854). Happy Birthday Vincent! I could think of no finer way to honor him than by getting outside and painting en plein air—my first outdoor excursion of the year! Hooray! Nor can imagine a more surefire and...