I guess it was my turn. My turn to have a crappy week…or two. Let’s face it: I lead a pretty charmed life. I’m self-employed doing what I love; I’m active and in good health (I haven't had a cold in five years); I’m reasonably financially secure; I live in desired...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
oil painting
an aspen sanctuary
A couple days ago I rose before daybreak and drove up into the high mountains above Santa Fe. I’ve been doing this every few days lately, to escape the blistering heat wave that’s enveloped town, but also to exercise My Pup and me. With two backpacking trips coming...
celebration & honoring
This past weekend marked some significant events in my life: June 19 = the 61st anniversary of my dear late parents’ wedding (1954) June 21 = the 83rd anniversary of my sainted mother’s birth (1932) = the first day of summer (always a glorious day) = Father’s Day (yet...
a surefire way to humble yourself as an artist….
Yesterday was Vincent Van Gogh's birthday (March 30, 1854). Happy Birthday Vincent! I could think of no finer way to honor him than by getting outside and painting en plein air—my first outdoor excursion of the year! Hooray! Nor can imagine a more surefire and...
enough already. time for taos.
ACK!! U N C L E! Enough with the computer already! A month of being glued to my keyboard — new website, new newsletter, dozens of paintings added to my online store, slew of emails vying for my attention — and I haven't painted since October! OCTOBER! So this morning...