This is a painting about joy. About uplift. About climbing out of a chaos, and finding clarity, finding your way. And then — and THEN! listening for your better angels, and spreading your wings. Remember Walking Into the Storm with Arms Open Wide? This is climbing out...
musings from the studio and beyond ~
dawn chandler’s reflections on art and life. . . .
spirit painting
celebrating grace ~ they lift me ~ crane painting, vii
There are several quiet conversations going on in this painting. Between the coral figure and the blue figure; Between the large cranes and the small cranes; Between the people and the cranes; I think they're all taking about flying. Don't those wings just lift you?...
celebrating grace: their wings fill my heart with prayer ~ crane painting, iii
There are so many layers beneath this painting…. so many ways it came in and out of being. So many hidden shapes, hidden colors. But that spirit figure… see her? She remained throughout. She wouldn’t be hidden by the layers. Always she was there. Always she is...