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the colors of my world….

by | Jul 12, 2017 | Uncategorized

These were the colors of my world today at 4:30a.m….

santa fe artist dawn chandler's plein air paint palette before the painting begins!


and these these were the colors of my world today at 8:30a.m….

santa fe artist dawn chandler's plein air paint palette upon completion of the painting!


And somewhere in between the two, the colors of my world were these….

return to my aspen sanctuary original plein air oil painting by santa fe artist dawn chandler


{ ~~ blissful sigh ~~ }

OHhhhhhhh, BLESSED DAY!!
For today The Pup and I returned to our mountain trails, to our most favorite aspen grove, to the early morning melody of rushing water and forest birdsong!

How — WHY?! — have we waited so long?
How can it already be mid-July before we strapped on our packs to amble together down the trails of the Santa Fe National Forest for the first time this year?

Well, to be fair…. we HAVE done a little bit of hiking this year — but not up in the high Santa Fe forests.
And I’ve done a good bit of traveling this year — but not up in the high Santa Fe forests.

And so it was with a good bit of giddiness that I awoke at 4:00am determined to hike today in the high Santa Fe forests.

And so it was that at 4:30am I was busy in my studio prepping my plein air paint palette.

And so it was that at 5:30am I was guzzling thermos coffee, the pooch in the back of the car, as we careened up the ski valley road.

That at 6:30am we were bounding down the trail with our packs.

dawn chandler's sweet pup, wilson, guarding the packs


And at 7:30am we were home again in our favorite aspen grove….


dawn chandler's favorite aspen grove in the santa fe national forest


Here are more of the colors of my world today… colors blooming everywhere in the Santa Fe forests….

july flowers of the santa fe national forest captured by dawn chandler

‘Hoping they’ll be the colors of my world again tomorrow, too….





